The Altes Brau­haus
boasts a long and
inte­res­ting history

Our Historty

Built by the municipal authorities in 1698 and opened as a «Stately Brewery» in 1699,
it was then designated a «Free Imperial Brewery» in 1724.
On 13 August 1804, Johann Georg Roth bought the brewery at auction making the
«brewery» privately owned for the first time. The «brewery» then changed owners
several times until 1905, when master brewer Josef Beugler
great-grandfather of the current owner – assumed ownership.

Thanks to Josef Beugler’s brewing skills and business acumen, the brewery was soon so successful that the premises in Wenggasse proved too small and in 1920 brewing operations were relocated to the “steam brewery”, built by Hans Hopf 25 years previously in front of the Klingentor gate. As a result of this expansion, the «Rothenburg Brewery» in Wenggasse became the malthouse and was subsequently renamed the «Altes Brauhaus».

Both businesses (in front of the gate and in the town) were merged to become a single brewery that then operated under the name «Rothenburg Brewery». The cross-barrel vaults of the “Sudhaus” still bear witness to the days when the building was still a Stately Brewery during Rothenburg’s period as Free Imperial City and the roof beams are evidence of the true craftsmanship of previous master builders.

In 1984, the Beugler family renovated the old brewery buildings to create a 60-room hotel with romantic flair and all modern amenities.

Now to run the Altes Brau­haus, Klaus Wißb­rock has made sure that the hotel has retained its inti­mate family atmo­s­phere.